(Heads Up: I'll be using words like "Tabletops" or "Games" and "Gaming" in this and most posts. When I say this, unless I say otherwise, I'm referring to Tabletop Roleplaying Games such as Dungeons and Dragons, World of Darkness, or Pathfinder, not video games, computer games, or board games.)
Something I've been noticing that a lot of friends I game with now have similar complaints. They wanted/tried to run a game (usually the ever popular Dungeons and Dragons) in middle or high school, and didn't even know where to start. When I first started getting interested in the hobby, I borrowed a friend's brother's copy of the D&D 3.5 (Dungeons and Dragons version 3.5) rulebook and tried to learn the rules by reading it. And had absolutely no clue what at least half of it meant. The terminology was strange and the book dense, though I loved the art and bits of world building and flavor text I did run into. But I gave up the idea of running a game after that, and didn't try again until my freshman year of high school, where I found a semi nearby gaming store that hosted several games a week. With other people around me that knew what they were doing and could teach me were all that I needed. Even then it was at least two years before I felt comfortable running a game.
Now, I know other people who didn't take as long. I've heard of people playing for a month or two before playing the game, or a year. Some people have never run a game before and are dedicated players. Some run games having never played one before in their lives. But from my (granted mostly anecdotal) evidence, it seems like there are a decent number of people who hear about Tabletop Gaming from books or TV or just pop culture in general, and have no place to start, so they give up. Gaming is what I do. It's my primary hobby, and I love it. So this blog aims to help out with that a little. I've been wanting to start writing more, and this is a topic I can talk about for ages anyways, so why not, right? I've got a decent number of topics in mind, from specific game introductions to the basics of running and playing a fun game, but if anybody ever has anything they'd like to see brought up or clarified, feel free to ask in the comments. :)
Thanks for coming, I hope you enjoy your stay.
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